
Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb 

AD-ITECH - Good night , I'm here have any tricks that little NAUGHTY. This trick is not recommended for do, especially on blogs. This trick is How to Download XML Other Blog Post. 

What is XML Post in Blog? 
Do you know the post? yes certainly we know. This XML contains the entire content / post ever published by others.Of course you can download the copy entire post on my blog. 

How To Take XML Other Blogs 

1. Prepare a blog that will be copied article / his post. 
2. Go to Here 
Copy, Ambil Postingan blog lain

3. Input Link blog (blogspot required) using "http: //". 
4. Click Generate Sitemap 
5. You will see the following link 
Copy, Ambil Postingan blog lain
6. Open the IDM or other downloader (required) 
Ane use DAP 

Copy, Ambil Postingan blog lain

7. Click the Add New Download or Download and paste the url that had been copied "" 
Copy, Ambil Postingan blog lain

8. Wait until the download is complete. Once downloaded, the file will be shaped .xml 
Copy, Ambil Postingan blog lain

How to Import XML post to blogger 

  1. From the blogger home Save settings / options 
2. Click More 
Copy, Ambil Postingan blog lain
3. Click Import blog 
Copy, Ambil Postingan blog lain
4. Click Browse> Choose xml who have downloaded earlier> Import Blog 
5. Wait until the process is complete .. 
6. Finish ... you have downloaded a copy of the posting of others: v 

Status: Tested by 

That is all and thank you 

Wasslamu'alaikum Wr. Wb

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